JaysonGoetz's blog

Anyone who works out regularly understands the benefits.  Exercise helps us feel better not only physically, but it improves mood, brain function and our psychological well-being.  Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine will help you achieve a more well-rounded sense of health and wellness.

Yoga has become popular in the west in recent decades.  It makes us stronger, stretches our muscles, soothes chronic pain, promotes mental wellness and encourages us to be more present, which can be hard to do if we lead busy, stress-filled lives.

Many people experience back pain, and for many reasons. The main cause of back pain is a lack of strength and/or flexibility. These 3 beginner yoga moves are designed to strengthen and increase flexibility in your spine.

Yoga isn’t solution for all back pain, more serious condition may need special care in addition to yoga, like a bulging disc. Which is when one of your intervertebral discs has weakened and lost its shape. If you suffer from a spinal condition proceed carefully.