Yoga * Massage * Meditation * Kirtan * Ayurveda At the Atma Bhakti Yoga Center, our goal is to provide a nurturing environment to begin the journey of discovering what is already inside each of us. We aim to foster a community that nourishes our natural inclination to unite the body, mind and soul. Connect to the body through hatha yoga from various traditions, massage therapy and other bodywork, as well as Ayurvedic cooking and nutrition. Stimulate the mind by exploring the ancient knowledge found in the Bhagavad Gita and other texts in the bhakti yoga tradition. Open up the soul to its eternal connection to the source of unlimited joy, and boundless wisdom through the experience of Kirtan. We welcome Yogis and Yoginis of all disciplines to come and share in this experience. Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/atmabhaktiyogacenter