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My son is such an inspiration for me.  He is practically fearless.  It doesn't matter how many times he falls, he loves to climb.  He would stand on the back of the couch to look out the window before he could walk.  He climbs chairs, tables, his crib, anything he can hoist himself up on. He grins from ear to ear when he conquers a new piece of furniture.  I watch in wonder as he climbs up, up, up, and it makes me ponder the fear I feel as I watch him.

Dear Ayurvedic Abbie,

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and I am taking medication prescribed by my medical doctor. I don’t like taking medications and I was wondering what ayurveda says about treating anxiety.

Millet is truly an underappreciated grain. It’s a small seeded grass, cultivated over 10,000 years ago and grown in developing countries. That's Old School food...

Millet is perfect for the Kapha in your family - light, clean and easy to digest - check it out.

Here are the top 10 reasons to love Millet:
1. Millet is gluten-free and non-allergenic. A great grain for gluten sensitive individuals.
2. Millet’s high protein content (15 percent), making a valuable addition to a vegetarian diet.

“The bodily changes follow directly the PERCEPTION of the exciting fact, and that our feeling of the same changes as they occur IS the emotion.” William James

The science of Ayurveda comes from ancient texts of India called The Vedas. Regarded as humanity’s oldest literature, they were written over 5,000 years ago and give insight into the purpose of life, how to be healthy and how to live in harmony in our surroundings. It’s not a religion, but rather the oldest philosophy on how we got here, where we’re going and why.  It provides the ‘Handbook for the Human Condition’ and is the original holistic medicine.

Here are some basics:
