
I grew up in a tiny mountain town in Idaho, population 724. To this day it is the kind of town where most children of the community stick close to home, close to their roots. But, I had always dreamed of a bigger world, more to explore. So the minute high school graduation culminated, I found myself on a plane to Florence, Italy to study cooking. I was the first of my family to fly commercial, the first to have a passport.

The word Karma in Sanskrit translates as ‘action’.  Your karma is determined by your actions and also by your reactions to stress. When thought, word and deed are virtuous, virtuous actions (karma) are returned to you. When you move in non-virtuous patterns, then the results can be less than savory.

To say that another way: when you freak out and do hurtful things, hurtful things happen. When you chill under stress and do nice things, the world is a much nicer place to live.

As yoga class was called to order, I couldn’t help but notice the group of us present for early morning Ashtanga class were all women over the age of 30. In fact the average age amongst the group that stepped forward into Samisthiti was 45 years old. More than half were mothers with kids at home.

Staying inspired isn’t always easy. Sometimes just completing our daily mundane tasks- taking care of our kids, going to work or school- can seem like a grind. So how do we stay inspired to attain the goals and dreams that we have set for ourselves?

1. Imagine:

OMGoddess, I just met the most “Kapha-rific” man! What does that mean?

Well, let me share... I am in for some great snuggling, hand holding, and attention. We will go for dessert, enjoy time with his friends (because everyone will LOVE him in his friend group), and he might even suggest we make a project to clean out my disorganized car! The saying, “Netflix and Chill” was definitely coined by a kapha – I LOVE KAPHA.

I think yoga should be the prescription for everything in life. Addicted to food? Try a little yoga. Get caught speeding? Instead of a fine, go to 5 yoga classes. Going through a divorce or life change? Find a killer counselor, and practice yoga. Related to Donald Trump? Try yoga. Busted with marijuana? Why do we even care anymore? Why did we ever care? Oh, and sure, go take some yoga.

My son is such an inspiration for me.  He is practically fearless.  It doesn't matter how many times he falls, he loves to climb.  He would stand on the back of the couch to look out the window before he could walk.  He climbs chairs, tables, his crib, anything he can hoist himself up on. He grins from ear to ear when he conquers a new piece of furniture.  I watch in wonder as he climbs up, up, up, and it makes me ponder the fear I feel as I watch him.
