
They say that there are a few events in Life that are top stressors.
In the last 12 months I've faced most of them! 

But ~ I've never been more content.
Tired right now, yes! But content. 
Intentions have guided this eventful year.

Family wise in the past 12 months,
I got married (Eloped with our 4 children in tow)
Said goodbye to Birdie, my sweet 14 year old four-legged fur baby
Sold a car/Bought a car
Moved our “stuff” into storage, moved the family to Venice Beach, CA for the Summer

<strong>The holidays are supposed to be filled with joy and celebration, right?</strong> But so often it can be tough to get in the spirit as you juggle a mile-long To-Do List and a full activity calendar, all while fighting the threat of getting sick. Here are 6 things you can do to help you stay happy and healthy this holiday season:<br />
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Why Retreat? Who needs to retreat? When to retreat?
One word~ HEALTH... physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and beyond!

Yes, because when you take the time to care for yourself you rebuild your health and well being. We generally do not slow down and care for ourselves in a meaningful way until we start to show symptoms of fatigue, a cold, skin rash... the list of subtle and not so subtle symptoms is loooong! As we start to enter the holiday season there are so many opportunities to become over stimulated, exhausted, and run down.
