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Acupuncture, as part of the ancient practice of Chinese medicine, has been used for thousands of years and is still commonly used today.

There are several reasons why acupuncture is so popular. It balances a person so they feel better.  Acupuncture has no negative side effects. It is relaxing and it works!  In addition to desired results, acupuncture is cost effective and covered by many insurance policies.

Acupuncture has no negative side effects.

Used as an herbal pharmaceutical for centuries, this aromatic, green (and brown) spice turns your coffee into a medicinal treat to counter negative effects of caffeine, while boosting digestion, increasing energy, and reducing pain. It brings light, dry, clear and pungent qualities to life.

A member of the Ginger family, Cardamom has been used in Ayurveda for over 5,00 years – the ancient texts laud its ability to break down difficult-to-digest foods, and enhance taste, turning ordinary into exceptional.

Ayurveda doesn’t say ‘no’, it says when and how. Local yogi Katherine Clapner uses asafoetida, black cardamom, apricot and rose hips in her recipe for Soraya 3.0 – The Soft Butter Toffee. What does Ayurveda say?

I love spring for many reasons—two of them are asparagus and arugula. When I was a child, my parents would take my brothers and I asparagus hunting, and then we would enjoy the bounty.

Each spring, arugula (or Eruca sativa, also known as rocket, rucola, and rucoli rugula) pops up everywhere in my garden, like a weed. My favorite kind of weed. I anxiously await its arrival to toss onto every meal I make, with a touch of olive oil and lemon.

The life science of Ayurveda explains that we are born perfect creations, with a unique balance of space, air, fire, water, and earth – the 5 basic elements of all things. This is our Prakruti. Then life happens, - the food we eat, coupled with our activities and environment skew that perfect balance. This is our Vikruti. Imbalance leads to illness, and when we can’t curb the illness, it can lead to chronic disease that we are taught to live with, such as arthritis, allergies, thyroid problems and inflammation.
