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Gong Journeys Meditation at the Dallas Meditation Center


And now practice mindfulness

In a “sound bath” or mindful sound meditation, a mindfulness and sound expert plays instruments such as the gong, singing bowls, and tingsha bells to curate an immersive sound experience. Students simply let their attention rest on the sounds arising and passing.

Participants often report feeling re-centered and relaxed after the Mindful Sound + Healing class, and this anecdotal evidence is supported by science. Sound waves move through the body differently than air, since the body is 65% water. Sound meditation has been shown to incite the relaxation response, which promotes the parasympathetic nervous system and allows for deep rest.

A storm with high winds moved through my neighborhood las

Treating food as medicine and keeping a grounded self-care routine is important to navigate seasonal change with less cold, flu and fatigue.

If you or someone you know if undergoing cancer treatments, or other conditions that cause nausea or ‘anxious belly’, try these recipes for a soothing lunch.
