
Find a yoga teacher training that is going to teach you to deeply understand yourself and how to create a personal practice that will empower you to live to your fullest potential. Knowing yourself is the first step to being able to teach others.

I have been leading yoga teacher trainings and immersions for advanced yoga study for over 10 years and there are always questions that come up from dedicated students and potential teachers when they are ready to take the plunge into a yoga teacher training. 

Braised Fennel, Brocolini & Tofu

Fennel, ginger, and yogurt sauce give this a juicy and flavorful recipe you'll enjoy over and over again!


  • 2 TBSP plain yogurt
  • 2 TBSP plus 1/4 Cup of water
  • 1/2 cup sucanant or raw sugar
  • 2 TBSP ghee or sunflower oil
  • 2 TSP grated fresh ginger
  • 1 TSP fennel seeds
  • 1 TSP ground coriander
  • 1/2 TSP turmeric

I have been dancing with yoga for over a decade and still don't know who is leading! It brought me out of a depression in college when I struggled to get out of bed. It kept me moving (through breath focus) when I was standing at attention in Army Basic Training. It held me accountable when I cut off my own body's needs to get the mission done. Yoga saved my humanity in war.

Everyone has a self-image or self-concept about themselves that either presents them in a positive or negative light. What you think about yourself is ultimately portrayed on the forefront as your body image. As the term suggests “body-positive” basically means having a positive perception about your body. However, people of various body types exist and hence the definition may vary from person to person. What it all boils down to is the fact that you love yourself and accept oneself as the way you are, believe in yourself with compassion.

This morning I watched Vata blow in, signaling the continuing change of seasons, and I was reminded by my dear friend Christina from SimpleVeda, that when we grab the fall hoodie it’s also time to check the summer routine at the door.

*Here are some helpful hints to keep Vata from sneaking out of the house!

The before and after photo collection is everywhere these days: here I am, fit and fabulous; here I was, overweight and unhappy. I have them too. I have a lot of them. For my late 20s and early 30s, I was overweight - anywhere from 40 to 70 pounds overweight, depending on when you knew me. Five years ago, when I switched from a vegetarian to a vegan lifestyle and (temporarily) gave up drinking, I lost a ton of weight. And since I started practicing yoga more consistently, I've gotten stronger every day.

Learn how this ancient but widely unknown yoga practice can enhance your life.

I learned about yoga nidra during my yoga teacher training as most of us do but the practice really stood out for me. 

I've been a massage therapist for over a dozen years and have seen how stress and overwhelm can harm a persons health.

We all grow up with fears, feelings of not being good enough and insecurities. Now add being told by your family, society and your religion that there is something innately wrong with you, that you need to be fixed, that there is no room in heaven for you and top if off with the belief that God does not love you. How do you have any good feelings about yourself? How do you make it through the day? This is the experience of most people who grew up lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer or intersex.

If you’re anything like me, making decisions – especially big ones that will leave an impact on your heart, your life or someone else- can be an excruciating process of option-weighing, backing and forthing, doubt, sleepless nights and paralyzing anxiety.
