
The Vedas are the fountainhead of all Indian philosophical tradition and spiritual practice. The teachings in the Rig Veda were preserved over centuries by oral tradition alone and was put into writing ~1700–1100 BCE - one of the world's oldest spiritual, philosophical and scientific texts. The teachings are broken down into detailed external practices, different forms of spiritual worship, and finally an explanation of what we realize when we do the practices.

Diving into ancient texts can be intense, so I recommend beginning with the Upanishads, what we can experience through dedication the practice of yoga (meditation), as known by the ancients.

On the go and in a rush, we spend too little time caring for ourselves. As a result, we are dying earlier and experiencing more cancer and bizzare disease than did our ancestors. When given the chance to practice self-care, we've not been taught so it's hard to know where and how to start. I invite you to consider this checklist, choose a category that speaks to you - select one new habit and see how quickly your life can change for the healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

Often we want others to “be” a certain way because they are an extension of our ego-identity.  We take on others actions as being an extension of who we are.  This just isn’t true.  My practice of loving is giving others permission to be as they are and this has become an active practice of loving others.

Do you ponder over the meaning of life?

Do you want discover your highest potential and are seeking the means to achieve it?

Are you keenly seeking true transformation and growth?

Do you aspire to work towards universal good?


Man’s Quest

The quest for realization has intrigued mankind from times immemorial.

Realization of what?  Realization of one’s highest potential within - the real state of Being.


We experience the mind - body connection when we’re anxious, depressed or scared. Our digestion can be impacted we may have difficulty with sleep, we might experience aches and pains, headaches and more. When the body is in pain, the mind cannot relax and find peace. When the mind is not at peace, the body cannot relax and function at its peak.

So what is the answer to keeping both aligned and healthy?

'I always say that the institution of the family has been made by women only, but that they have forgotten their power. Unless women are awakened, unless they arise, humanity cannot help itself...'

Yoga has been popular among women for years, but now men are realizing just how beneficial it can be to them. For over 5,000 years, yoga has been a part of civilization. Originally designed as a religious ritual, the practice has evolved into many different forms. Certain sects still practice yoga for religious reasons, working toward enlightenment. Most mainstream practitioners in the western world practice yoga for its relaxation and physical benefits. The practice turns off many men who believe it is too new age-y or not a masculine pursuit. The truth is, the practice is becoming popular with professional athletes and trainers across the country.

I went back to Uptown Yoga to visit friends and teachers I haven't seen in ages. It was here that I developed my teaching form over a decade ago - it was here that I first found my journey to yoga. Here are the Drop In Notes on my experience...and why I will always come back.

If you’ve practiced yoga for even just a little while, you’ve probably had the experience of being settled (rather uncomfortably) in Pigeon Pose during class when, out of the blue, you started crying and had no idea why. It’s ok--me too. Or maybe there’s been a time when you were completely minding your own business, and someone’s unexpected touch, a certain smell, or a particular sound sent your mind reeling, propelled shock waves through your body, or suddenly catapulted memories you never recalled having before to the front-and-center of your brain. Yep, me too.
