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'I always say that the institution of the family has been made by women only, but that they have forgotten their power. Unless women are awakened, unless they arise, humanity cannot help itself...'

Yoga has been popular among women for years, but now men are realizing just how beneficial it can be to them. For over 5,000 years, yoga has been a part of civilization. Originally designed as a religious ritual, the practice has evolved into many different forms. Certain sects still practice yoga for religious reasons, working toward enlightenment. Most mainstream practitioners in the western world practice yoga for its relaxation and physical benefits. The practice turns off many men who believe it is too new age-y or not a masculine pursuit. The truth is, the practice is becoming popular with professional athletes and trainers across the country.

Routine gives your mind and body the framework it needs to run smoothly, with more balance and less anxiety. Just as the Sun rises and falls with predictability, so should you - add these 7 Self Care Rituals to set the stage for your healthiest day, every day.

I went back to Uptown Yoga to visit friends and teachers I haven't seen in ages. It was here that I developed my teaching form over a decade ago - it was here that I first found my journey to yoga. Here are the Drop In Notes on my experience...and why I will always come back.

5 Ways To Use Yoga For Building Self Confidence
