
In a “sound bath” or mindful sound meditation, a mindfulness and sound expert plays instruments such as the gong, singing bowls, and tingsha bells to curate an immersive sound experience. Students simply let their attention rest on the sounds arising and passing.

Participants often report feeling re-centered and relaxed after the Mindful Sound + Healing class, and this anecdotal evidence is supported by science. Sound waves move through the body differently than air, since the body is 65% water. Sound meditation has been shown to incite the relaxation response, which promotes the parasympathetic nervous system and allows for deep rest.

A storm with high winds moved through my neighborhood last night. This morning, there are trees lying across the streets and on top of cars and houses. We were blessed, with no damage to our house. Then this morning, while walking the dogs, my imagination was captured by the downed trees that have an exposed root ball. The entire tree toppled. Those roots should have held the tree in place, I thought. Was there something wrong with those roots? Were the roots not deep enough to hold the tree in place? Had their roots become shallow and tenuous?

Treating food as medicine and keeping a grounded self-care routine is important to navigate seasonal change with less cold, flu and fatigue.

If you or someone you know if undergoing cancer treatments, or other conditions that cause nausea or ‘anxious belly’, try these recipes for a soothing lunch.

Take three minutes and come back to yourself. Take three minutes and remember who you are and who you want to be. Take three minutes and assess the moment – You are right where you need to be in this moment. No matter the decisions that need to be made, the changes that need to be implemented, the conversations that need to be had – right here, right now, you are here.

Stack of serenity stones

Meditation is addictive. I crave meditation. Meditation soothes, relaxes, and promotes emotional health. Search for benefits of meditation online and there are countless articles – 12 Science-based Benefits of Meditation, 76 Benefits of Meditation, 14 Benefits that Rewire Your Brain for Happiness,… When I started meditating, I had no idea that it would make me healthier, happier, calmer, and allow me to move through my days with greater ease. I started meditating because I got interested in Buddhism.

Take three minutes and consider Monday! Monday is the perfect day to begin again! The ideal day to meditate just a little longer! The best day to expand your practice into a new way of being! Come, sit, relax, breathe in peace, breathe out love. Be still. Feel the energy – the energy that your breath generates – breathe in peace, breathe out love! The alchemy of your heart converts the prana to the energy of love. Fill the room with love.

Coffee with a Smile

Is Starbucks a frequent stop for you? Do you grab a cup on your way out of the house every morning? Do you have another cup when you get to work? Another as you head for a meeting?  What does your coffee taste like? How long has it been since you sat with a cup of coffee and enjoyed it with all your senses?

Your friend comes in shaken by seriously bad news. She is frightened and her energy is running sideways. She begins telling her story and before she finishes, you are already conjuring solutions. You know what she could do, what she should do, what she should think, where your experience with similar situations led you. As soon as she pauses to take a breath, you launch in with your recommendations.  You want to help.
